Sara Parker
Grant Writer & Researcher
Sara is a Portland, OR based grant writer, dance artist, and lifelong lover of words & writing who has pursued careers in both the Education and Nonprofit Arts sectors. She has contributed to, and been the lead writer on several grants for the organizations where she has worked.
It is through this lived and intimate relationship to the important work that nonprofits do for the community that prompted Sara to explore and pursue grant writing more intentionally as a career path. As a part of the Just Look Left team, Sara is widely known as the “word count queen”, lover of editing, and an expert at distilling the most relevant and impactful information to meet the spatial constraints found in most grant applications.
In her spare time, Sara teaches dance classes throughout Portland, choreographs and performs in her own creative work, and guest performs with local professional dance companies. As a lover of movement, Sara also intensely studies Gyrotonic® and is a certified Gyrotonic® and Gyrokinesis® trainer; as well as a certified Yoga instructor. Amongst her work and personal interests, the commonality is a love for language, communication, and expression - whether through teaching, creating art, or writing grants.
Sara is honored to do this work.